mom, this is why I wanted my hair silver.

This hair dye won't a symbol of rebellion.

Please please PLEASE try to understand that.

This hair will represent the happiness I feel on rainy days.
This is me finally deciding to do something that makes me happy,
Without the worry of others making those eyes at me 
when I walk between the benches in church.

No, this is me finally doing what something for myself.
I'm sorry you think it's too mainstream.
Actually, I'm not that sorry.
Because this hair makes me feel something about myself 
that I haven't felt in a long time.

And if you're about to deny me that opportunity, 
well, I'll just stay in Logan 
until you taste metallic in your mouth from biting your tongue too hard. 

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  1. So does that mean you did it?!!

    "Because this hair makes me feel something about myself
    that I haven't felt in a long time."


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